Hey, I'm Abhishek! 👋

🤖 Frontend Engineer and Web3 Developer
👔 Aspiring Solopreneur
🌟 Completed web projects for over 20 clients
⚔️ Builder at DAOhaus & Raid Guild

Services 🏗️

I don't just build websites, I build dreams. I don't just create products, I create solutions. I don't just share my knowledge, I empower individuals and businesses to transform their lives.

Core Services:

  • Smart contract development
  • Web / Frontend development
  • dApp development
  • Blockchain integration
  • NFT development & minting

Additional Services:

  • Product ideation & validation
  • MVP development / SAAS
  • Growth hacking
  • Personal branding
  • Content creation
  • Web3 education & training
  • Web3 consulting

Some projects I built 👨🏻‍💻

🏠 Decentralized Information Network - DINhaus
🚶🏻‍♀️ Entire frontend of the Meroku protocol - Meroku
🎧 Decentralised music marketplace for artists - Radiohead
🧮 Decentralised accounting software - Ringbook

Tech I use 🎛️

React, Next.js, Turborepo TailwindCSS, MySQL, MongoDB, OpenAI APIs, Node.js, Docker, Git, GraphQL, TypeScript, Sass, Jest, Solidity, Hardhat, Foundry

How to reach me 📫

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💼 LinkedIn
📧 Email
😼 Github